Selling options is the perfect business. You can run it from anywhere in the world.And every second that goes by, you are making money.That is the secret to wealth: to have your money WORKING FOR YOU instead of YOU working for money. Now, I sell options every month and I teach others to do the same.I have a special place in my heart for the Iron Condor because it is the first strategy I really “mastered”. I’ve had several years where I have made gains of over 100% by simply trading Iron Condors. My goal on my Condors is 10-15% returns per month. I don’t always make that much, but I have consistently beaten the stock market averages with Condors. The best part is that it takes just a few minutes a day, and you never have to predict what the stock market is going to do. Up, down, sideways – doesn’t matter. The Condor can still be profitable.That is what I'm going to share with you in this book, how you can be profitable using the Adavanced Iron Condor Options Stratagy without spending hours a day doing it. Get How To Trade The Iron Condor Options Strategy today to learn exactly how I, Allen Sama, Head Trader, and owner of trade the Iron Condor with returns of 100% or more a year!